Cephalonian Method

To piggy back on my previous post, after analyzing the data from our LEAP value rubric assessment project we have decided to change the way we do our instruction. Today, I have a class lined up for a mini session   on database searching with a follow up on citation in a few weeks. I also  decided  to try  the Cephalonian Method I read about on the ALA Thinktank Facebook group.  A colleague of mine who also teaches at University of Rhode Island LIS program told me they use this style of instruction with some really good results.  I decided not to use the “color coded” system as this class was just looking at databases. I created 8 questions and numbered them so as the class moves forward I can keep the questions in a progressive order.

They are:

What is the difference between a database and searching google?

There are way too many databases out there and they all look the same to me. How do I know which one to use?

Can I access this from home?

What is the difference between scholarly and  popular?

What is peer reviewed?

What is an abstract?

What is a citation?

How can I work with a librarian? (This one is to promote our Book-A- Librarian initiative)

Feel free to use these questions if you feel inspired….No copyright here!

I  found a cool template from Powerpoint and then laminated them for reuse. I am hoping this type of learning will be more interactive and give me some positive results. I’ll keep you posted!

2014-07-01 14.44.27-1)

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